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Friday, March 25, 2011

"Pigs eat anything" Fact or Fiction??????

I hear on a regular basis the weird things that pigs will and will not eat.  I have heard that I have to be careful or they will eat me.  I have heard that they will eat cans, their own poop and that they won't eat raw potatoes.  Sometimes I truly have to wonder where people pick this stuff up.

We like to say that the term pig does not mean will eat anything but will eat a lot of what they like.  Pigs are omnivores.  They are not vegetarians.  Will they eat humans?  Well, I guess if you don't feed them then yes they will but then again how many stories are there about humans that have eaten humans when left no other choice?  Our pigs are well fed (as reflected by our feed bills) so we have no fear of them trying to eat us. 

Pigs have more taste buds then humans do.  They have likes and dislikes just as humans do.  I have pigs that go crazy for tomatoes and others that turn their noses up at them.  The only item that I have found pretty much across the board that they don't particularly like is peppers, green, red, yellow or orange.  All of mine seem to love broccoli, pumpkins, lettuce, and most fruits.  Cucumbers are a hit or miss kind of thing and asparagus seems only to be appreciated when it starts to turn bad..  They love corn on the cob and no they don't eat the cob.

They do not eat their own poop and do not poop where they eat.  So the answer is Fiction!!!!  Pigs do not eat anything!


  1. more fact or fiction- ie, things I've heard:
    pigs are clean
    pigs are smart
    and what is slop?
    do pigs really like much? if so, then "pigs are clean" doesn't ring true?

  2. LOVE the new post! I would guess slop is is all human leftovers all put together... ?
    it was a good rant, and I do believe you have a big heart... and, I have heard that pigs are smarter than dogs!

  3. They don't eat their poop, but will eat the other hogs poop.
